After a long and exhausting wait, restaurants and bars are finally welcoming back their respected clientele. With short notice and continuous changes, restaurant owners have developed new systems and modified their seating arrangements. The new measures are to accommodate the expected rush of customers while adhering to the guidelines and protocols. The goal is to seat hungry customers and have enough room for guests, wait staff, and personnel to navigate safely. Many establishment owners have extended their patio area into the parking lot, which was acceptable in the meantime; however, it is most definitely not a long-term solution. At Stouffville Mobile Redimix, our team of concrete pouring professionals will help to extend your outdoor patio so you can accommodate staff and guests.
As a business owner, safety should be your number one priority. Patios that have been extended into the parking lot area or turf/grass areas are not ideal. Safety and space may be a potential concern. Parking lots are known to have bumps, cracks, and uneven surfaces. Turf and grassy areas bring on a whole list of issues as well. The restaurant industry is very fast-paced. The wait staff are trying to manage each other and the eager customers while balancing food and drinks. The last thing on anyone’s to-do list is to trip or fall, injure themselves or others, and have food flying all over the place. Also, moving the patio into the parking lot area will inevitably take up car space. Therefore, new customers will see a crowded parking lot and potentially go elsewhere. Extending your concrete patio will provide an even, durable surface to support heavy foot traffic and leave open parking spaces to welcome new customers.
As social distancing is still in place, your role as an establishment owner is to create a comfortable and safe environment. With an extended concrete patio, you will have the space to seat more guests without having to rearrange the existing layout.
So what happens when we no longer have to social distance? Once things go back to normal and we can continue with our lifestyle at its usual pace, restaurant and bar owners will now have ample space to host more customers and host larger events. More space equals more revenue! Creating an extension with a concrete patio is a win-win situation.
Patio season is almost over. You may be asking yourself, is it even worth implementing a concrete patio or extending the existing one? Absolutely! This only means that you should be one step ahead and prepare for the next patio season. As a business owner, you want to welcome your guests back with open arms. You want your guests to enjoy their experience at your establishment. At Stouffville Mobile Redimix, our team of concrete pouring professionals will help to extend your outdoor patio. You will be able to comfortably accommodate staff and guests and bring your business back to life! At SMR, we offer quality onsite concrete pouring services; contact Stouffville Mobile Redimix today for more information.