Summer is officially here, or in other words, patio season! Homeowners are looking forward to setting up their patios, grills and are ready to enjoy the outdoors. For those who have not yet implemented a patio, now is the time to do so. We Canadians experience chilly weather that lasts much longer than the warmer seasons. Therefore, take advantage and make the most out of your yard space by inputting a concrete patio. We at Stouffville Mobile Redimix have compiled a few tips on how to plan your redimix concrete patio layout. We hope to assist your thought process. We will be addressing three key factors, purpose, size, and location.
There are many reasons to incorporate a concrete patio. A patio can be a space for you to dine, cook, entertain, lounge, or unwind. A concrete patio can also be a place to lay out by the pool. Before deciding on the size and location, it is essential to clearly envision how you want to utilize your new outdoor space. Redimix concrete is durable and versatile. Therefore, it can be poured to accommodate various design options. Redimix concrete allows the ability to pick and choose the size and shape, which will provide ample space for any outdoor activity that suits your lifestyle best. For example, suppose you have a large yard; you can incorporate a multilevel patio with surrounding concrete pads for additional activities. Concrete pads can be used as a lounging area. It can also be used to create a safe space for a fire pit or hot tub. At the same time, the concrete patio can be used for grilling, with a separate section for dining. You can always experiment with design options on paper or with your contractor before making a final decision.
Concrete is known to be durable, easy to maintain, and versatile. Its versatility allows concrete to be poured to create a patio made to suit any size yard. A helpful tip when determining size is to match and compliment the size of the home. You wouldn’t want a patio to be underwhelming or overwhelming, making the overall landscape look off-balance. Knowing how you want to use your space ahead of time will give you a sense of what you need to accommodate. For example, suppose you love to entertain or have a large family; you want your dining space to fit 12+ people comfortably around a table. If you are unsure of what size is most suitable for your lifestyle, speak to our concrete pouring professionals here at Stouffville Mobile Redimix.
Lastly, it is essential to consider location. Similar to determining size, the location of your concrete patio will be dependant on its purpose. For example, suppose you want an area to dry off and lounge by the pool; therefore, the patio must be near the pool area. Or you may wish to have the concrete patio close and accessible from the backyard entrance of the home. Some may want to incorporate their concrete patio further away from the house for relaxation and tranquility, depending on the property size. When considering location, it is essential to pay attention to the small details, like shade. Are you planning on setting up patio furniture equipped with an outdoor umbrella, or would you prefer natural shade from surrounding trees? Keeping these tips in mind may help you gauge a sense of where to implement your concrete patio comfortably.
Contact Stouffville Mobile Redimix today for more information on concrete poured patios.